Friday, October 31, 2014


I've seen directions and instructions everywhere. Directions and instructions come from anywhere like your job, GPS device and even goals you've set for yourself. Everything in the world has some type of order. Without order you cannot be organized and in turn, you cannot properly get where you want to be. This is why everything in life has directions and instructions. Think about it. If you have a job to do, you;re abiding by the rules and instructions to keep your job and improve it. When you use your GPS, you follow the directions it gives you in order to arrive at your destination. When setting a goal for yourself, you follow your own set of instructions and directions. These are all examples of where they come from and how they're so apparent in everyday life.

1) Take out the peanut butter jar, Jelly jar, butter Knife, a plate, and a loaf of bread and set it on the table.
2) Next take 2 slices of bread out and set it on the plate.
3) Open the jar of Peanut butter and Take the butter knife and scoop a little bit of Peanut of butter and spread it evenly on one side of the slice bread.
4) Then wash off the peanut butter off the knife in the sink till its fully clean.
5) Then open the Jelly Jar and scoop a little bit of jelly and spread it evenly on one side of the other slice of bread.
6) Put the 2 slices of bread together and eat.
7) then close both of the jars of peanut butter and jelly and put all the items away.

The directions that people forgot to mention was to make sure you spreading the peanut butter and jelly on one side of the slice bread not both. It's important to be specific with directions because depending on your saying people might take it literally. The role the human interpretation has in directions is that we have more common sense so when someone says "clean the spoon" we know to wash it in the sick instead of being literal and clean some where else.

The importance of specific instructions are that they keep life in sync or in check. Without them, we wouldn't be able to keep any order and everything will become chaos. With instructions, you can get things done accurately and leave less room for errors, if any. When given specific directions, you also need to realize that there may be some kind of errors present.  If you can spot these errors, they will make it easier for you to follow them and understand what was meant. An example of thus is when you're following cooking directions Computers follow directions differently than humans because computers are not built with common sense like humans are, causing them to take things with literal meaning rather than using the sense of complex understanding and reasoning that humans have.

1 comment:

  1. Great work here, Travis! Your directions are good and you seem to really understand what we were getting at. 10/10
